Overcoming Adversity

A few weeks ago, I saw 'The Diving Bell & The Butterfly', a tremendously inspirational film. It tells the true-life story of a man suffering from 'Locked-In Syndrome' - he is completely paralysed with the exception of his left eye.

That's not the subject of this post though.  I mention it because at the time I watched it, I felt it would be difficult for any film to be more inspirational.  I'm happy to report that I was wrong, since today I finally got around to watching the critically acclaimed 'My Left Foot'.  I may be nearly 25 years late to the party, but better late than never.

These two films have drawn comparisons since both deal with individuals who face incredibly difficult circumstances.  Both demonstrate the capability of the human spirit to overcome adversity and achieve greatness.

After watching both films, a quote kept coming to mind: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."

In other words, we may or may not eventually emerge on the other side of whatever difficulties we face, the key is not to sit around feeling sorry for ourselves awaiting some potential future happiness, but to find a way to take enjoyment even in the midst of our troubles.

Watching a film such as 'My Left Foot' is inspirational for demonstrating the possibility of embracing this kind of attitude.  In my life, I have known more than one person with chronic illnesses.  One friend in particular has suffered with Parkinsons for over 25 years now, and every day is a struggle to achieve the simplest basic functions, but I rarely ever see him without an infectious grin on his face. He has a wry sense of humour, and always has a joke at the ready.

I find myself constantly amazed by some individuals who face more difficulties than most of us have ever known, yet achieve more than we ever have.

To be clear, I don't place such people on a pedestal.  I know that all of them have their weak moments as well.  Daniel Day-Lewis does a great job here in portraying a man who is not always likable   He is even occasionally shown as being a little on the pretentious side, and manages to make enemies along the way, as well friends.

Like everyone else on this planet, those with any kind of disability are as flawed as the rest of us.  But when they learn how to "dance in the rain" they inspire the rest of us to put our own problems into perspective.

I don't confess to know the secret.  But two thousand years ago, the Apostle Paul may have provided a part of the answer when he wrote "We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; and perseverance, character".

Some powerful words to dwell on.  So whatever you may be facing in your life right now, please don't give up.

And maybe watch 'My Left Foot'.


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