Every now and then I hear a line in a movie which just sounds plain bizarre to my ears. If you heard such a line out of context, it would probably make no sense. Or the least, it would provoke your curiosity and make you want to see the movie to find out what on earth the line was in reference to.
These are not the best, coolest or most inspirational movie quotes. Instead, they are a bit weird or wacky. Hopefully, you'll recognise a few, but if not then you'll no doubt find that your curiosity will be piqued. If that's the case, then go hunt them down, and rent/buy/stream the movie.
I guess you could call this an Alternative List of Movie Quotes. I'll no doubt be adding to this list as new and interesting quotes occur to me. And if you know a great alternative movie quote, then please share it via the comments.
- Our pets heads are falling off.
- Do you think that's air you're breathing.
- I even thought I was dead 'til I found out it was just that I was in Nebraska.
- That looks just like a flying dog.
- I wish monkeys could Skype.
- Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
- You can't fight in here gentlemen, this is the war room.
- I was frozen today!
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